
Progress on pre-alpha

I registered and created a project on sourceforge.net(and they approved my project,thanks sourceforge.net).I will import local svn repository on my harddisk into sourceforge.net as soon as test data is relatively complete and compile-able on both windows and linux.
Actually I have been working on this project for more than half a year now,but due to other projects draining most of my spare time,it did not progress very well =(

I wrote a simple tile drawer using SDL_Blit functions,but it's more 3d orientated than 2d orientated,so the performance is a bit unacceptable with 32bit per pixel.I might consider using OGL to do the pixel fill instead.

Current renderer features:
  • Draw background layer(draw an image before anything else)
  • Draw grids(a hack to draw 4 (1*TileWidth) rect to resemble grids around a tile)
  • Draw tiles
  • Per pixel scrolling
Despite all the crappyness,I still considered my renderer an improvement compare to the original game's render,because the old one was 1994 and it did not even support per pixel scrolling if memory serves me right.

Current Input system uses SDL input events,I added some basic features such as doubleclick and hold.

  • SDL input based input
  • double-click handling
  • hold handling with duration
GUI uses guichan library,which is probably the best and the most versatile GUI library available,its forums and its author are also very helpful,for a list of features it supports please refer to guichan's site: http://guichan.sourceforge.net

I use gamemonkey(GM) script,which is an underrated/unpopular scripting language designed specifically for games.GM supports universal table(any element in any table can be any data type) like LUA but GM is more powerful than LUA for games.

Currently GM is only used for data loading and storage.

Sound and Network:
No time has been spent on them yet,they have the least priority in my todo list. =)

That's all for now.

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