
Progress on pre-alpha part 3

I am having a problem with map at the moment,I will need to either store mover objects pointers in map tile or make collision-test on all objects every frame,apparently the latter sounds a bit stupid,but pointers-in-maptile has its own problem:

In Ocean Horizons,each tile is 32 by 32 pixels big,so in order to represent the 'world' at an acceptable size,I will need tons of them,more precisely 1024x1024+ of them,in a worst case scenario,there might be few hundreds objects overlapping each other in one tile at a time,let's say 200,then there will need to be 1024x1024x200 pointers,in 32bit it's 1024x1024x200x4 bytes or 800MB,in 64bit it's 1024x1024x200x8 bytes or 1.6 GIGABYTE!Now this sounds even more stupid than the collision-test on all objects every frame idea.

Perhaps I should allocate them dynamically,but a pointer pointing to array of pointers on each tile doesn't sound like a good solution either.Hopefully I will get this problem sorted out soon.


Michael Rodrigues de Souza said...

post some mockups!!

Only 2D this game??

no 3D effects??!

magick panda said...

Honestly there is nothing to be shown currently,the graphics is only some basic single-color tiles that were made in gimp in a few minutes to test the map.

Yes it will be 2D only rendered with opengl acceleration for the following reasons:

1.Original game is in 2D(top-down,not isometric)
2.2D is easier to code
3.2D contents is easier to create,3D contents(models,textures,animations) are hard to create and exist 3D contents on web are usually non-free(at least not compatible with opensource licenses,so you can't host/distribute them)