
More than 1 year of Ocean Horizons SourceForge project

It has been more than 1 year since I uploaded the worthless Ocean Horizons svn dump to Sourceforge project site.

I did make some major progress but the development is slowed down to a crawl now, for the retarded overcomplicated GUI system built on top of guichan and lack of GFX sprites.

I tried to learn blender to create simple ship models to make create ship sprites easier, but I find blender is just not for me, I find the interface utterly confusing and unusable, maybe it's just me too stupid to figure out their proper usage and functionalities, I followed the blender noob-to-pro guide carefully to create a simple model, but as soon as I apply the subsurf modifier to smoothe the model everything is messed up.

I guess I will forget about blender for now and stick to gimp for the sprites, hopefully the development will be back on track soon.

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